12 Yellow Roses Bouquet

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Looking for a way to show your significant other how much you care?
Look no further than our 12 Yellow Roses Bouquet! This beautiful bouquet is the perfect way to show your loved one how much you care.
The 12 Yellow Roses Bouquet features 12 beautiful yellow roses. Each rose is handpicked and arranged by our expert florists. The bouquet is then wrapped in cellophane and tied with a bow.
The features and benefits of the 12 Yellow Roses Bouquet are:
-The 12 yellow roses are a symbol of love and care.
-The bouquet is handpicked and arranged by our expert florists.
-The bouquet is wrapped in cellophane and tied with a bow.
How it works:
To order the 12 Yellow Roses Bouquet, simply add it to your cart and checkout. We will then handpick and arrange the bouquet for you. Once the bouquet is ready, we will wrap it in cellophane and tie it with a bow.

Please note: If this yellow color rose is not available then it would be replaced with red color roses.

Your purchase includes a complimentary greeting card message.

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